Woman taking natural protein supplement

Boost Your Health with Natural Protein Supplements

12 min read


19 Dec 2023

Hack beast mode...

  1. Protein powder benefits for muscle growth
  2. Protein powder for weight management
  3. Protein powder for recovery and repair
  4. Different types of protein powders
  5. Factors to consider when choosing protein powders
  6. Potential risks and side effects of protein powder
  7. The importance of whole food proteins
  8. Protein powders: final thoughts…
  9. FAQ


Protein is essential for muscle building and has various functions throughout the body, including fluid balance, hormone regulation, and overall health. And protein powder can help you get your daily fill.

But, is protein powder a healthy choice? Well, research shows that protein powders can aid in muscle growth, weight management, and recovery from exercise.

There are different types of protein powders available, including whey protein, plant-based protein, and collagen protein. 

Choosing trusted protein powders that meet your specific needs is essential if you want to stay healthy, reach your fitness goals, and go for those epic gains.

Intrigued? Find all you need to know about getting the most from protein powder with this essential guide.

Protein powder benefits for muscle growth

Protein powder is a popular choice among athletes and fitness enthusiasts because of its ability to support muscle growth and boost physical performance. 

It contains essential amino acids that promote protein synthesis, which is crucial for muscle development[1]. A review published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that weight-training adults who took protein supplements experienced significant increases in strength and muscle size in just six weeks[2].

One of the key advantages of protein powder for muscle growth is its high leucine content. Leucine is an essential amino acid that stimulates muscle protein synthesis[3]

Whey protein, in particular, is rich in leucine and is easy to digest, making it a popular choice for muscle recovery and growth[4].

By weaving protein powder into your diet, you’ll make sure that your muscles get the essential nutrients they need to repair and grow. 

Whether you're an athlete aiming to maximise your performance or simply looking to build lean muscle mass, protein powder can be valuable in supporting your muscle growth goals[5].

The nutritional benefits of protein Powder for muscle growth

  • Promotes protein synthesis
  • Enhances muscle size and strength
  • Supports muscle repair and recovery

Chocolate protein shake and banana

With the right protein powder and proper training, you can optimise your muscle growth potential and smash your fitness goals out of the park.

NOTE: Protein powder should complement a balanced diet and exercise regimen, as they work in conjunction to promote muscle growth and overall health[6]

Protein powder for weight management

Protein powder can help you manage your weight effectively. With its ability to reduce appetite and help you feel fuller for longer, protein powder will help you control your caloric intake—which is perfect when you’re cutting.

Adding a quality source of protein with each meal can have a colossal impact on your weight management efforts. 

Research shows that whey protein supplementation can lead to reductions in body weight and fat mass in adults—making it a popular choice for those looking to shed excess pounds.

One of the reasons protein powder is effective for weight management is because of its impact on body composition.

High-protein diets, which include the use of protein powder, have been associated with improvements in body composition, including more muscle mass and a lower body fat percentage. By supporting muscle growth while aiding in fat loss, protein powder can help you achieve a leaner and more toned physique. Double bonus.

Plus, protein powder serves up the essential amino acids necessary for muscle repair and growth, allowing you to recover effectively from workouts and maintain an active lifestyle. 

Protein powder is also convenient and versatile, making it easy to add to your daily routine.

Woman drinks protein powder for weight loss

Quick summary…

Protein Powder Benefits for Weight Management


Promotes satiety (makes you feel fuller for longer)

Protein powder helps you feel fuller for longer, reducing snacking and overeating.

Aids in fat loss

Protein powder supports fat loss by increasing metabolism and preserving lean muscle mass.

Fuels muscle growth

Protein powder provides essential amino acids for muscle repair and growth, helping you achieve a toned physique.

While protein powder can be an effective tool for weight management, it is important to remember that it should not replace whole food sources of protein entirely. Whole foods offer a wider range of nutrients and fibre, which are essential for overall health and wellbeing.

Protein powder for recovery and repair

Protein powder is commonly used to aid in post-workout recovery and muscle repair. After intense exercise, your body needs protein to repair damaged muscles and tissues. 

Protein supplementation can speed up recovery by reducing muscle damage and improving muscle performance. Oh yeah, It provides the necessary amino acids for muscle repair and synthesis.

Taking protein powder after exercise can help improve muscle growth and prevent muscle tissue loss, especially in older adults.

The fast absorption rate of protein powder allows for quick delivery of nutrients to the muscles, promoting recovery.

Top tip: For the best results, we recommend taking protein powder within 30 minutes to an hour after your workout. 

This allows your body to use the amino acids most efficiently and start the repair process. Plus, combining protein powder with carbohydrate-rich foods can further boost muscle glycogen replenishment and recovery.

Natural protein and strawberries

Different types of protein powders

When it comes to protein supplements, there are various types of protein powders available to cater to different dietary preferences and restrictions. Understanding the different options can help you make an informed choice based on your specific needs. Here are three common types of protein powders:

1. Whey Protein

Whey protein is one of the most popular and widely available types of protein powders. It comes from milk and is easily digestible, making it a preferred choice among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. 

Whey protein is rich in essential amino acids, particularly leucine, which plays a big role in muscle growth and recovery.

2. Plant-based Protein

If you follow a vegan or dairy-free diet, plant-based protein powders are an excellent option. These powders are made from sources like pea, hemp, and soy and offer a complete amino acid profile. Basically, everything you need to succeed as a budding bodybuilder.

Plant-based protein powders are not only sustainable but also provide added nutritional benefits like fibre and antioxidants. Epic.

3. Collagen Protein

Collagen protein powders have gained mass popularity for their potential benefits in promoting skin health and joint function. 

Collagen is a structural protein found in the skin, muscles, and connective tissues. Supplementing with collagen protein powders may help improve skin elasticity, reduce joint pain, and support healthy hair, and nails.

NOTE: Each type of protein powder offers a unique nutritional profile. By picking the right protein powder based on your dietary needs and goals, you can effectively weave protein supplements into your routine.

Factors to consider when choosing protein powders

When choosing protein powders, there are several factors to consider. Let’s take a look at the main ones for a moment.

Look for tried-and-tested protein powders

First of all, It’s important to pick products that have undergone third-party testing to ensure safety and quality. So, look for protein powders certified by organisations like the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). 

Avoid sweeteners and heavy metals

Pay attention to the sugar content and avoid products with added sugars or artificial sweeteners. Go for protein powders that use natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit. 

Some protein powders may also contain harmful additives or heavy metals—so it is crucial to do thorough research and check for certifications and testing reports.

Variety of natural protein sources

Comparing protein powders…

To help you make the right choice for your needs, here’s a handy comparison table for your viewing pleasure.

Protein Powder Type

Third-Party Tested

Sugar Content

Artificial Sweeteners

Whey Protein




Plant-Based Protein




Collagen Protein




By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision when choosing a protein powder that aligns with your health goals and preferences. 

If you’re unsure in any way, talk to a healthcare provider or registered dietitian for personalised recommendations based on your individual needs.

Potential risks and side effects of protein powder

While protein powder offers a treasure trove of health benefits, you should  use it in moderation and be aware of potential risks and side effects. These include…

Kidney and liver issues

Taking excessive amounts of protein powder—especially over long periods—can pose possible risks to kidney and liver health. 

The kidneys play a crucial role in filtering waste products and excess nutrients from the bloodstream, including protein. Consuming large amounts of protein can put excessive strain on the kidneys, potentially leading to kidney damage or dysfunction over time. 

So, you should follow the recommended protein intake guidelines to avoid overdoing it and harming your health.

Digestive difficulties

Consuming too much protein powder can cause digestive issues. Protein powders often contain additives and sweeteners that can be hard to digest, leading to bloating, gas, and discomfort. 

To avoid these stomach-churning issues, you should go for protein powders that use natural sweeteners and avoid those with artificial additives that may aggravate digestive problems.

Nutritional gaps

Relying heavily on protein powder as a source of protein can lead to nutrient deficiencies, as it can replace other nutrient-dense foods in the diet. 

So, it’s vital that you use protein powder as part of a balanced diet that includes a variety of whole foods to meet all nutritional needs.

It’s also worth noting that some protein powders have been found to contain heavy metals, including lead, cadmium, and arsenic. 

These levels detected are usually within safe limits and do not pose an immediate threat to health. But, to minimise your exposure to heavy metals, you should choose protein powders from reputable manufacturers that have undergone third-party testing for quality and safety. 

Potential side effects of protein powder: a quick summary…

Blender and fruit

An assortment of colourful fruits and nuts arranged around a jar of natural protein powder, with a wooden spoon resting on top. The background is filled with lush green leaves to convey a natural and healthy feel. Shadows are cast to give depth and dimension to the image.

Potential Risks

Side Effects

Excessive protein intake

Kidney and liver health risks

Digestive issues

Bloating, gas, discomfort

Reduced nutrient intake

Nutrient deficiencies

Heavy metal exposure

Possible presence of lead, cadmium, arsenic

The importance of whole food proteins

While protein powders can provide a convenient way to boost your protein intake, whole-food proteins offer a range of essential nutrients beyond just protein.

By adding protein-rich foods to your diet, like chicken, fish, beans, lentils, and Greek yoghurt, you’ll get all of the nutrients you need to succeed. 

These foods not only provide protein but also contain vitamins, minerals, and fibre that are essential for overall health. So don’t miss out.

Whole foods

Read: Our essential guide to the very best protein-packed foods for building muscle.

Protein powders: final thoughts.

When weaving protein supplements into your routine, you should consider factors like age, activity level, and health goals. 

While protein supplements can be a convenient way to increase protein intake, it’s important to prioritise whole food proteins in your diet. Whole food protein sources offer a wide range of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and fibre. 

By adding protein-rich foods like chicken, fish, beans, lentils, and Greek yoghurt into your meals, you’ll make sure you get a well-rounded and nutritious diet.

In conclusion, protein supplements, when used responsibly, can be a valuable addition to your wellness journey. 

With proper consideration for quality, individual needs, and a focus on whole food proteins, you can reap the health benefits that protein powders provide while maintaining a balanced approach to nutrition.

If you’re looking for a safe, tried, and tested supplement to complement your diet and choice of protein powder, check out our epic muscle-building stacks.


Are protein supplements natural?

Protein supplements can be natural if they are made from high-quality, minimally processed ingredients. Look for products that use natural sweeteners and avoid artificial additives.

What are the best protein supplements?

The best protein supplements depend on your individual needs and dietary preferences. Whey protein is popular for muscle growth, while plant-based options like pea and hemp protein are suitable for vegan diets.

How do protein powders promote muscle growth?

Protein powders provide essential amino acids that stimulate protein synthesis, leading to muscle development. They can also help prevent muscle loss associated with ageing.

Can protein powder help with weight management?

Yes, protein powder can promote satiety and reduce appetite, making it beneficial for weight management. 

Including a source of protein with each meal can help individuals feel more satisfied and consume fewer calories in the process.

How does protein powder aid in post-workout recovery?

After intense exercise, the body needs protein to repair damaged muscles. Protein supplementation can enhance recovery by reducing muscle damage, improving muscle performance, and providing essential amino acids for muscle repair and synthesis.

What are the different types of protein powders?

There are various types of protein powders available, including whey protein (derived from milk), plant-based protein (such as pea, hemp, and soy), and collagen protein (known for promoting skin and joint health).

What factors should I consider when choosing protein powders?

It’s important to choose protein powders that have undergone third-party testing for safety and quality. 

Pay attention to the sugar content and avoid products with added sugars or artificial sweeteners. Look for certifications and testing reports.

Are there any risks or side effects associated with protein powder?

Consuming excessive amounts of protein powder over a long period can pose potential risks to your kidney and liver health. 

It may also lead to digestive issues and nutrient deficiencies. It’s best to use protein powder in moderation and prioritise whole food proteins.

Why is it important to include whole food proteins in the diet?

Whole food proteins provide a range of essential nutrients in addition to protein, such as vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Adding protein-rich foods to meals ensures a diverse nutrient intake and supports overall health.

How can I ensure the safety and quality of protein powders?

The FDA does not regulate protein powders like drugs or medical treatments, so it’s important to choose reputable manufacturers. 

Research the brand, look for third-party testing certifications, and read the nutritional labels carefully.

Source Links


Muscle-building subsection:

  1. Smith, G. I., et al. (2016). Protein ingestion induces muscle protein synthesis after exercise independent of hypertrophy. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 48(8), 1578-1587.
  2. Morton, R. W., et al. (2018). A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52(6), 376-384.
  3. Norton, L. E., & Layman, D. K. (2006). Leucine regulates translation initiation of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle after exercise. Journal of Nutrition, 136(2), 533S-537S.
  4. Pasiakos, S. M., et al. (2011). Effects of protein supplements on muscle damage, soreness and recovery of muscle function and physical performance: a systematic review. Sports Medicine, 41(3), 233-254.
  5. Hoffman, J. R., & Falvo, M. J. (2004). Protein–which is best? Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 3(3), 118-130.
  6. Phillips, S. M., & Van Loon, L. J. (2011). Dietary protein for athletes: from requirements to optimum adaptation. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29(Sup1), S29-S38.

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