a little known secret about how to

get rid of man boobs!

does any of this sound like you?

  • List icon

    You try to HIDE them under loose fitting clothes

    but they still show (is everyone looking at you?)

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    You're too ASHAMED to take your shirt off

    at the beach, the pool, in the bedroom (in fact, you haven't taken your shirt off in public in years)

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    Going to the gym is an exercise in pure HUMILIATION

    (because no one wants to see your man titties wobbling around all over the place)

  • List icon

    You're the butt of all your friends JOKES

    (or at least, you've convinced yourself you are)

  • List icon


    and your self-esteem is non-existent

here’s the real reason you can’t get rid of your man boobs…

And the truth about how to lose them

For months - years - you’ve been doing everything you can to blast those moobs away.

You’ve tried all the workouts from all the bodybuilding websites and fitness influencers.You’ve been lifting heavy - day in, day out.

But no matter what chest exercises you do, you just can’t get them to go away. You desperately want a firm, masculine chest but nothing is working.

Here’s the kicker...

Everything you’ve been doing to get rid of your man boobs is only making them worse

The theory trotted out by most so called 'experts' is that working your chest muscles will firm up your whole chest area, making your moobs much less noticeable.

If that was true, man boobs would never be a problem for steroid-guzzling bodybuilders. But bodybuilders are one of the prime candidates for breast reduction surgery. In fact, one top U.S. gynecomastia surgeon says about HALF his patients are bodybuilders.

The theory trotted out by most so called 'experts' is that working your chest muscles will firm up your whole chest area, making your moobs much less noticeable.

If that was true, man boobs would never be a problem for steroid-guzzling bodybuilders. But bodybuilders are one of the prime candidates for breast reduction surgery. In fact, one top U.S. gynecomastia surgeon says about HALF his patients are bodybuilders.

So if bodybuilders - who already have monster chests - can still manage to grow man boobs, do you really believe you can get rid of yours just by beefing up your chest?

It doesn't matter if you do a thousand pushups, presses, dips or flys every day.

You'll STILL have a layer of fat sitting on top of that muscle.

And building up the muscle is only going to push those fat deposits out even further, making your moobs look WORSE.

All that hard work you've been doing in the gym is adding to your problem.

You Don’t Need to Build More Muscle…You Need to Get Rid of Some Fat!

(but that’s easier said than done)

That’s right, bro. Hear it loud and clear…

Dropping weight will chisel out your chest and give you a more masculine physique.

It’s the secret to revealing chiseled contours, and highlighting the power and strength you’ve been building.

As the fat recedes, every muscle will stand out more sharply, crafting an overall image that’s undeniably stronger, and unmistakably more masculine.

Now, you might have already lost some body fat (but just between us) you’re probably still carrying a little more than your fair share.

And you’ve probably been struggling to shift it in the first place, right?

That’s because the problem is not you.

The road to leanness is littered with these…

6 fat retention roadblocks

Roadblock 1:

Roadblock 1:

Your body clings to fat like a leech

Your body is a survival machine. It hoards fat like a miser, preparing for a famine that never comes. So, when you start cutting calories, your body freaks out and clamps down on those fat reserves even harder. How do you convince it that its ok to let go?

Roadblock 2:

Roadblock 2:

Cheating feels good...until it doesn't

We've all been there. A little "cheat meal" turns into a "cheat day"...then a "cheat weekend"...and then a "cheat week". Before you know it, youve tumbled down the rabbit hole, and all your hard-won progress is lost. How do you resist the siren call of cheat meals?

roadblock 3:

roadblock 3:

cutting cals slows your metabolism

Calorie restriction is a double-edged sword. Sure, you're eating fewer calories, but your body responds by lowering your metabolism. Now you're burning fewer calories than ever before. So how do you keep your metabolism high when you're on a diet?

roadblock 4:

roadblock 4:

leaning down can mean losing muscle

The road to a leaner body is a perilous one. As you drop the pounds, you're not just losing fat, but also precious muscle mass. How do you make sure you're feeding your muscles but starving the fat?

roadblock 5:

roadblock 5:

dieting makes you dumb

Ever noticed how hard it is to concentrate when you're on a diet? Your brain runs on glucose, and when you're cutting calories, you're also cutting its fuel supply. So how do you keep your head in the game when you're dieting?

roadblock 6:

roadblock 6:

eating less zaps your energy

Lower energy intake means lower energy output. This means your workouts can go from fire to fizzle real fast. How do you maintain the energy for killer workouts without loading up on calories?

With all these gnarly roadblocks scattered across your shred journey, it's no wonder most men get stuck, unable to torch that fat and annihilate those pesky man boobs.

But don’t sweat it, you’re not alone.

We’ve got the heavy-duty solution you need…

Here’s The Wrecking Ball You Need To Steamroll Through Every One Of Those Roadblocks

Gynectrol is an Aggressive Fat Burner That Helps You Torch More Fat So You Can Finally Reduce the Size of Your Man Boobs

  • target fat

    Your body holds fast to fat – but Gynectrol unlocks those super stubborn subcutaneous fat reserves.

  • defy fatigue

    Gynectrol pumps your body full of the nutrients it needs to generate explosive energy – even on a diet.

  • tame cravings

    Cheating can sabotage your progress, but Gynectrol keeps your cravings under control.

  • rev metabolism

    Ramping up your daily calorie burn can melt away pounds of extra fat in just 12 weeks.

  • protect muscle

    Getting shredded doesn’t have to mean sacrificing muscle – Gynectrol safeguards your gains.

  • energize workouts

    Blast through your routine with an intense strength boost and burn more calories with every rep.

skeptical that a single supplement can do all this?

Can’t blame you for questioning if one product can truly cover all these badass fat-burning bases.

We get it, it sounds like a Herculean task.

Well you should know, creating this beast wasn’t a cakewalk.

Our geek squad of supplement scientists burned the midnight oil, cranked out endless trials and reworks until they hit the jackpot – a blend that absolutely crushed the competition.

So, are you ready to know what’s inside this mighty game-changer?

unveiling the dream team:

here’s the ingredients that make it all happen

cayenne pepper extract
  • Revs resting metabolism  1 
  • Unlocks fat stores  2 
  • Boosts workout efficiency  3 
ginseng + astragalus blend
  • Increases fat burning  4 
  • Reduces calorie absorption  4 
  • Sends calories to muscles instead of fat cells  4 
green tea + green coffee
  • Raises metabolism  5 
  • Boosts fat-burning  6 
  • Improves body composition  7 
b vitamins
b2 + b3 + b6
  • Supports energy production  8 
  • Boosts mood  8 
  • Fights fatigue  8 
potassium iodide
  • Optimizes metabolism  11 
  • Most men are deficient  12 
  • Synergizes with tyrosine  12 
  • Ups focus and motivation  16 
  • Depleted by caffeine  17 
  • Synergizes withiodine  12 
chromium picolinate
  • Supports insulin sensitivity  13 
  • May reduce carb cravings  14 
  • Modern diets are deficient  15 
l-arginine HCI
  • Enhances exercise  18 
  • Controls blood sugar levels  19 
  • Reduces fat mass while increasing lean muscle  18 
black pepper
95% piperine
  • Inhibits fat absorption  20 
  • Lowers blood sugar  21 
  • Accelerates Gynectrol ingredient absorption  22 
cayenne pepper extract
  • Revs resting metabolism  1 
  • Unlocks fat stores  2 
  • Boosts workout efficiency  3 
ginseng + astragalus blend
  • Increases fat burning  4 
  • Reduces calorie absorption  4 
  • Sends calories to muscles instead of fat cells  4 
green tea + green coffee
  • Raises metabolism  5 
  • Boosts fat-burning  6 
  • Improves body composition  7 
b vitamins
b2 + b3 + b6
  • Supports energy production  8 
  • Boosts mood  8 
  • Fights fatigue  8 
potassium iodide
  • Optimizes metabolism  11 
  • Most men are deficient  12 
  • Synergizes with tyrosine  12 
  • Ups focus and motivation  16 
  • Depleted by caffeine  17 
  • Synergizes withiodine  12 
chromium picolinate
  • Supports insulin sensitivity  13 
  • May reduce carb cravings  14 
  • Modern diets are deficient  15 
l-arginine HCI
  • Enhances exercise  18 
  • Controls blood sugar levels  19 
  • Reduces fat mass while increasing lean muscle  18 
black pepper
95% piperine
  • Inhibits fat absorption  20 
  • Lowers blood sugar  21 
  • Accelerates Gynectrol ingredient absorption  22 

With gynectrol you can finally…


Have the CONFIDENCE to take your shirt off.

At the beach, at the pool, in the locker room or in the bedroom - knowing that what’s underneath is no longer a source of shame - but something you’re proud of.


Wear the CLOTHES YOU WANT, not the ones you have to.

Swap your thick, shapeless shirts for ones that show off your chest (not hide it) and get dressed with dignity each morning, knowing that whatever you wear...you’re going to look good!


HIT THE GYM without worrying everyone else is staring at you.

No more convincing yourself that everyone else is staring at your saggy chest. No more living in fear of the locker room. Turning your back to change your shirt will be a thing of the past.


LOOK FORWARD TO SUMMER instead of dreading the sunshine.

Your days of hiding indoors (while everyone else is out there having the time of their lives) are over. Feel comfortable wearing T-shirts - or even taking off your shirt - anytime you want to.


Do all the things you’ve ALWAYS WANTED to but never could.

Go swimming, learn to surf, wear that nice dress shirt, go on dates - lots of dates. Your chest has held you back for too long, but now you can finally get out there and enjoy your life free from the heavy cloud of shame you’ve been living under all these years.


without surgery


without lipsuction


without side effects

Don't let your chest hold you hostage any longer

All your life youve been embarrassed by your body, letting your chest hold you back from doing the things you want in life. Its time to take your life back.

Now you can WALK TALL and hold your chest out with PRIDE knowing that people are looking at you for all the right reasons not because of your man boobs. Its time to regain your SELF-RESPECT and experience the best years of your life.

crazybulkers everywhere are sharing the gains!

Tag @crazybulk if you're a proud #crazybulker

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scientific sources

The formulation nerds asked us to show you some of the scientific studies that prove the ingredients in Gynectrol really work...

  1. Rigamonti AE, Casnici C, Marelli O, De Col A, Tamini S, Lucchetti E, et al. Acute administration of capsaicin increases resting energy expenditure in young obese subjects without affecting energy intake, appetite, and circulating levels of orexigenic/anorexigenic peptides. Nutr Res. 2018;52: 7179.
  2. Rogers J, Urbina SL, Taylor LW, Wilborn CD, Purpura M, Jger R, et al. Capsaicinoids supplementation decreases percent body fat and fat mass: adjustment using == in a post hoc analysis. BMC Obes. 2018;5: 22.
  3. Whiting S, Derbyshire E, Tiwari BK. Capsaicinoids and capsinoids. A potential role for weight management? A systematic review of the evidence. Appetite. 2012;59: 341348.
  4. Admin. InnoSlim: AMPK and Adiponectin Activator. NuLiv Science. 2022. Available: https://nulivscience.com/ingredients/innoslim/
  5. Rudelle S, Ferruzzi MG, Cristiani I, Moulin J, Mac K, Acheson KJ, et al. Effect of a thermogenic beverage on 24-hour energy metabolism in humans. Obesity. 2007;15: 349355.
  6. Acheson KJ, Zahorska-Markiewicz B, Pittet P, Anantharaman K, Jquier E. Caffeine and coffee: their influence on metabolic rate and substrate utilization in normal weight and obese individuals. Am J Clin Nutr. 1980;33: 989997.
  7. Sudeep HV, Shyam Prasad K. Supplementation of green coffee bean extract in healthy overweight subjects increases lean mass/fat mass ratio: A randomized, double-blind clinical study. SAGE Open Med. 2021;9: 20503121211002590.
  8. Kennedy DO. B Vitamins and the Brain: Mechanisms, Dose and Efficacy--A Review. Nutrients. 2016;8: 68.
  9. Baltaci D, Kutlucan A, Turker Y, Yilmaz A, Karacam S, Deler H, et al. Association of vitamin B12 with obesity, overweight, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, and body fat composition; primary care-based study. Med Glas. 2013;10: 203210.
  10. Sun Y, Sun M, Liu B, Du Y, Rong S, Xu G, et al. Inverse Association Between Serum Vitamin B12 Concentration and Obesity Among Adults in the United States. Front Endocrinol. 2019;10: 414.
  11. Danforth E Jr, Burger A. The role of thyroid hormones in the control of energy expenditure. Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1984;13: 581595.
  12. Redmer J. Hypothyroidism. 2014. Available: https://www.va.gov/WHOLEHEALTHLIBRARY/docs/Hypothyroidism.pdf
  13. Institute of Medicine (US) Panel on Micronutrients. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US);
  14. Cefalu WT, Rood J, Pinsonat P, Qin J, Sereda O, Levitan L, et al. Characterization of the metabolic and physiologic response to chromium supplementation in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Metabolism. 2010;59: 755762.
  15. Swaroop A, Bagchi M, Preuss HG, Zafra-Stone S, Ahmad T, Bagchi D. Benefits of chromium(III) complexes in animal and human health. The Nutritional Biochemistry of Chromium (III). Elsevier; 2019. pp. 251278.
  16. Daubner SC, Le T, Wang S. Tyrosine hydroxylase and regulation of dopamine synthesis. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2011;508: 112.
  17. McTavish SF, Raumann B, Cowen PJ, Sharp T. Tyrosine depletion attenuates the behavioural stimulant effects of amphetamine and cocaine in rats. Eur J Pharmacol. 2001;424: 115119.
  18. Lucotti P, Setola E, Monti LD, Galluccio E, Costa S, Sandoli EP, et al. Beneficial effects of a long-term oral L-arginine treatment added to a hypocaloric diet and exercise training program in obese, insulin-resistant type 2 diabetic patients. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2006;291: E90612.
  19. Collier SR, Casey DP, Kanaley JA. Growth hormone responses to varying doses of oral arginine. Growth Horm IGF Res. 2005;15: 136139.
  20. Wang W, Zhang Y, Wang X, Che H, Zhang Y. Piperine Improves Obesity by Inhibiting Fatty Acid Absorption and Repairing Intestinal Barrier Function. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 2021;76: 410418.
  21. Maeda A, Shirao T, Shirasaya D, Yoshioka Y, Yamashita Y, Akagawa M, et al. Piperine Promotes Glucose Uptake through ROS-Dependent Activation of the CAMKK/AMPK Signaling Pathway in Skeletal Muscle. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2018;62: e1800086.
  22. Shoba G, Joy D, Joseph T, Majeed M, Rajendran R, Srinivas PS. Influence of piperine on the pharmacokinetics of curcumin in animals and human volunteers. Planta Med. 1998;64: 353356.

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